TOG: Out of Touch, informational video [Updated Dec 2019]

Out of Touch, like any first book of a series, has the herculean task of setting up the world of Touch of Gray.  It must provide the rules of the world, the geography and parameters, the characters, the history, as well as the individual conflict within the book.  A book jacket or description is designed to intrigue and entice the reader, but space is too limited to provide much information.

As such, I have put my incredibly poor media skills to use to create a video primer of the world.  Though I should say that this is more a podcast set to a couple of slides rather than a proper video.  Yes, I am narrating this (and there is a reason I am not a vlogger nor audio book narrator).

With all of this said, if you are interested in learning more about the world of Touch of Gray, feel free to either read the short gifs or listen to the much longer video primer. [Updated Dec 30th, 2019:  new video uploaded with better audio and geared toward my YouTube channel.]

Out of Touch is available now on Amazon Kindle and Google Books. Here are also a couple of short excerpts or tidbits.


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