About: Leia Howard

I am Leia Howard, author of the Touch of Gray series. Rather than create a Facebook page, I thought I would try blogging.  My posts will be divided between promoting my series and writing process in general.  There will also be a personal post or two tossed in.  As I become a more active blogger, I may post about writing workshops, appearances, editing or publishing services, and the like.  But for now, this is my small corner of the blogsphere.

I live in Texas and am a full-time doctoral graduate student. Writing is my joy, but I do not expect to make a living from it.  This blog is not a place to advertise nor sell products, other than my own books. Thus I feel no need for a separate Disclaimer page.

Touch of Gray is an Urban Fantasy series that takes place on an alternate earth where psychics are real, can be detected by DNA tests, and seek refuge in a country that will not force them to use their powers against their will.

Comments are open for all and you can also reach me via Twitter ( @AuthorLeia ).


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