Writing Corner: History of Touch of Gray and Call for Beta Readers

This blog will be mostly writing tidbits, excerpts, process, and updates. I enjoy movies, television, books, music, etc. but I prefer Twitter for that. Forces me to keep my thoughts short and sweet. I am not much for pictures (despite them being worth a thousand words), thus why I am not on Insta, Snap, nor Tumblr.

Now, for more writing details. The idea for the Touch of Gray world was borne of a long ago idea for an X-Men:Evolution fan fiction story focusing on Rogue. I never wrote that, but I created this full world of psychics (rather than mutants) fearing for their freedom in America and fleeing to a neighbouring country offering sanctuary. Canada may have been ideal, but I had the idea of an alternate history in which Native Americans/Alaskans and First Nation peoples joined together to form their own country. Even though 'owning' land is not a goal of most tribes I have come in contact with or researched, the idea of protecting the land is. So the tribes come to an agreement to protect their people and as much land and animals as they can, thus they form their own country. As this was the coalition developed slowly in the first part of the 19th century, by the time surrounding the American Civil War, the tribes felt the best place to make a stand was in the central and western North American continent. It took several years of war but they emerged triumphant.

Gray, the protagonist of the series, is not Native American. She is a foreigner (American) living in the country formed by the tribal coalition. In exchange for her residency, she accepts and works petitions from police and private individuals. As a touch clairvoyant, her specialty is missing persons and homicides. I've tried to be as respectful of the various tribal culture as possible, but while I have consulted with select Native American individuals about the concept of the series, I have not contacted them to beta the novellas. I will probably do so next year, but feel odd about asking them to read my merely okay-ish writing to make sure the representation is appropriate. I also have African-American, Latinx, Middle Eastern, African, South Asian, and various Caucasian ethnicities present. Representation matters and I hope I am equally respectful of all my characters' cultures.

If you feel uniquely qualified to beta read for representation, feel free to contact me. My second novella is currently with my beta readers for grammar, plot, dialogue, etc. But I welcome additional beta readers. Even if you would just like to beta read with no focus on sensitivity, all requests are welcome. I am also willing to do a beta reader swapping of  books.

I will try to blog weekly going forward. Though, while I am on winter break from school, I may be able to blog a little more often.


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