Personal: Holiday Travel - aka Road Warrior

I live in Texas, which is the second largest state in America. We measure distance as time, which seems odd to many people. For instance, someone will ask me how far away a certain town is, and my reply could be "about four hours or so" or something similar. Texans tend to drive similar speeds so we all know how the time converts to distance.

This holiday season, I will be driving all over Texas. Some family are about eleven hours away while other family is fourteen hours. I have friends that are much closer at six hours away. And yes, all of this driving and I am still in the state of Texas. As stated earlier, Texas is a fairly large state. This is a map showing places closer to Texas, miles wise, than one tip of Texas is to another tip.

Not everyone celebrates Christmas, I can appreciate that. The holiday is not big in my family either. However, since my sibling and I are both university students, having Winter Break is what allows us to spend time together with family. Christmas just happens to coincide with Winter Break.

Summer Break is also Road Warrior time for me. In winter, I have to worry about snow and ice on the road (at least in some parts of the state) while in summer, I just hope the air conditioner in my vehicle lasts.

What are your holiday travel plans? If you drive long distances (over four hours) to visit friends or relatives, are there certain car traditions you have?


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