TOG: Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray 2) hint

Out of Touch is the first novella in the Touch of Gray series. Thank you to everyone that has sampled the novella, either from purchasing it on Amazon Kindle or from participating in Kindle Unlimited or Kindle Lending Library.

Invisible Touch, the second novella, will be forthcoming in 2019. It will take place about six weeks after Out of Touch. The official description is not yet written, but below are hints of the events that occur.
  • Gray becomes more involved in the Psycept community of PsyTown
  • Gray's siblings are due to visit her
  • Touchmarkers are called in
If you have questions like, what is a Psycept? or what are touchmarkers? Out of Touch has the answers. Out of Touch is available now on Amazon Kindle.

I will soon be returning to university and a vigorous doctoral graduate program. I will only blog about once or twice a month through May. More will be provided about Invisible Touch closer to the release.

Feel free to follow or contact me on Twitter ( @AuthorLeia ). In the meantime, here is the cover of Invisible Touch.  Look for it on Amazon Kindle in late Spring 2019. 

cover by: Melody Pond


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