Writing Corner: Promotion and Social Media

I feel that I have spent more time interacting on social media and promoting Out of Touch than I did actually writing the book.  I know that this is incorrect, but that it how it feels.

The promotion is not just sending out a blog post or tweeting a link to the Amazon page.  You need to visually create your space on whichever social media apps you prefer.  Then you need to build your online presence. I am a poor graphic designer or artist, so all of my gifs, videos, and other image endeavours are quite bad.  I know my skills will increase as I do more projects, but my early attempts are very basic.

Exhibit A:  my twitter handle background took me about thirty minutes to create.  When you look at it, you probably cannot imagine it taking more than two seconds.

Exhibit B:  my promotional post with gifs and a podcast/video about the world of Touch of Gray.  It took me all day to create the media used in the post, much of it spent on YouTube figuring out how to convert my initial creation into the various formats.

Now that you have had a laugh at my "mad skillz", how do you enjoy interacting with your favourite authors?  Some prefer FB, though I loathe it, while others enjoy IG or Snap.  I feel that between this blog and my twitter, I am relatively easy to contact. Feel free to reach me via twitter (@AuthorLeia) or leave a comment on any blog post.


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