TOG: Primer (Countries and Borders)

The Geography section is in the World of Touch of Gray appendix at the end of Out of Touch.  However, my craptacular map is not, so I hope you appreciate my bravery in showing you my extreme lack of map-making skills. 

  • Can = Canada with those red circles representing Hawaii. Yep, Canada is a western country.
  • GT = The Greater Tribal Council of the Americas, they include Greenland.
  • US = United States. They are in the east plus Quebec, Nova Scotia, and part of Ontario.
  • MX = Mexico.  They extend down into Central America and they have some of the island nations in the Caribbean. 
  • Borders are not exact, this is just to give you a rough estimate of where the countries are located and what they encompass.
For Invisible Touch promotion, I'll create a map of the Southwest section of North America to include some of the conservatorships and their relation to SWACon.  This will probably be posted in July or August.  But for now, below are the descriptors of countries from the appendix from Out of Touch.


the Greater Tribal Council of the Americas (the GT) is divided into eleven conservatorships.  Each conservatorship houses multiple tribes, the names of the conservatorship attempt to be as broad as possible. Encompasses much of central and western North America
1.    Southwestern Alliance Conservatorship (SWACon) – formed around four corners
a.    Bosque region – from Rio Grande east, 750,00 inhabitants
                                                 i.    Albuquerque is largest settlement, population 400,000
                                               ii.    Approved region for Psycept residents, most live in PsyTown-ABQ
                                              iii.    Puebloan and Apache tribes predominate
b.   Chaco region – central area of SWACon, 600,000 inhabitants
                                                 i.    Conservatorship central headquarters
1.    Wir-Kiva SWACon municipal seat
2.    Great Kiva sacred meeting place
3.    Tsé Bit’a’í sacred landmark (Shiprock)
                                               ii.    Navajo, Puebloans, Zuni major tribes
c.    Mesa Verde region – northern border, 475,000 inhabitants
                                                 i.    Mesa Verde area is regional seat
                                               ii.    Ute and Puebloans major tribes
d.   Hohokam region – western area, 650,000 inhabitants
                                                 i.    Kaibab Canyon (Grand Canyon) and Kaibab Forest here
                                               ii.    SWACon military base seat
                                              iii.    Hopi, Apache, Navajo, and Puebloan tribes predominate
2.    Llano Estacado – panhandle and west Texas territory
a.    Between SWACon and US/Texas
b.   Oneida (Amarillo), Lubbock, Midland/Odessa, etc
c.    Smallest conservatorship, 575,000 inhabitants
3.    Cochise Conservatorship (CoCon) – Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Mexico
a.    South of SWACon, borders Mexico
b.   El Paso is a major settlement
4.    Great Basin Conservatorship – Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming
a.    Auraria (Denver) first Psycept settlement of the GT
5.    Plateau Conservatorship (PlateauCon) – parts of Idaho, Montana, and BC

6.    Southern Plains Conservatorship
7.    Central Plains Conservatorship
8.    Northern Plains Conservatorship
9.    Subarctic East Conservatorship
10. Subarctic West Conservatorship
11. Arctic (includes Kalaallit Nunaat-Greenland)

Countries – Canada, Mexico, and the US redrew national lines to carve out GT nation lands
1.    US = eastern North America
a.    from Texas/Arkansas east to Atlantic at a diagonal slant
b.   added Quebec, NewFoundland, and part of Ontario
c.    gave up Pacific central and Pacific coast territories
2.    Canada = Pacific Coast North America
a.    BC and Yukon portion
b.   added Washington/Oregon (Cascadia province)
c.    added Nevada / California (Sierra province, California province)
d.   added Baja California peninsula
e.   Hawaii added after new territory
3.    Mexico = Mexico and much of Central America
a.    Gave up northern Mexico and Baja California territories
b.   much of Central America and Puerto Rico remain with Mexico


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