TOG: Primer (updated characters from Invisible Touch)

First up, a new podcast episode of An Indie Author's Life has been released. It is hosted on Podbean and also available on iTunes.  Enjoy! 

Now, for the main feature of the post.  As promised, here are the Psycept Categories and Character lists, updated for Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray - Book 2).  Invisible Touch is available now on Amazon Kindle.  Spoilers below, you've been warned.

**Spoiler Warning for both books**

Gray Graham - TouchVoyant / Mind Sage
Wednesday (Wendy) Randolph - PsyWitch. Gray’s best friend
Sisters Wyrd and Brother Bone - TouchVoyant / Blood Sages and Bone Sage
      MacGillivray siblings: Libby, Vic, and Jay = sisters; Tiko = brother
Professor Philip Biobaku - TouchVoyant / PsyChometrist, co-founder of PAPPA
Kyle Ngo - PsySapient / fauna. Husband to Soon Yee
Matthias Fischer - PsyMover / PsyPorter, oppose sages as an evil force
Tracy Fischer - TouchVoyant / PsyChometrist. Daughter of Matthias and opponent of Gray
Granny Luna Mae Willodee – PreCog, grandmotherly figure to the MacGillivrays

Sully Randolph - Wendy’s twin brother. Detective Sergeant, co-head Psycept police unit.
Sgt. Tamez – Detective Sergeant, co-head Psycept police unit
Sheriff Helki - sub-chief of Bosque police division. Boss of Randolph and Tamez.
Chief Yanaba - Chief of Police of SWACon. Sheriff Helki’s boss
Lt. Alawa – Auraria head of the Psycept police unit.

Gray’s Agency: Gray’s virtual assistant business
Sheridan (Dani) - office manager, worked with Gray for one year, daughter of Liaison Lowell
Soon Yee Ngo - virtual assistant, worked with Gray for five years, married to Kyle Ngo
Rhea Morningsong - virtual assistant, worked with Gray for three years
Eladio (Dio) - virtual assistant, newly hired


Liaison Lowell - supervisor of the civilian Psycept Support Services
Tommie - sister of Gray, PreCog
Kai - brother of Gray, Seeker
Mark - assistant to Psycept police Sgts.
Annabeth - assistant to Liaison Lowell

Araceli - girlfriend of Dani
Imital Qureshi - support services, co-founder of PAPPA
Chief Quanah - War Chief of SWACon
Head Chief Tala - senior leader of SWACon


PsyMovers = able to manipulate objects
      PsyKinetics = telekinetics
      PsyPorters = transport objects
      Weather Guides = move weather
PsySapients = communicators
      Flora = plant, tree, flower
      Fauna = animal
      Terra = land, minerals
PsyWitch = body and spirit influencer
PsySentients = mind perception
      PsyPath = telepath or empath
      PsyMemori = memory path
Variegated = miscellaneous
      Seekers, Asomatous, etc
PreCog = precognition, prophecy
Touch Clairvoyant = tactile sensor
      PsyChometrist = object reader
      Bone Sage = read bones, casts wards
       Blood Sage = read blood, divination
       Mind Sage = read memories


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