Writing Corner: For Love of Writing

In this day and age of self-publishing, not many independent authors can support themselves with their writing.  I am no exception, if I had to survive on my royalties, I wouldn't last a day.  Mostly because there is a six week's delay in receiving royalties from your self-published works, but the sentiment stands.  Let's just say that writing isn't even a side hustle for me and leave it at that.

All of the above is only relevant if you are an Indie Author with no representation.  Even in the world of self-publishing, it is still recommended for any author to engage an agent and an editor.  So don't panic if you don't have, nor wish to have, a publishing deal.  However, get an agent (who can usually hook you up with an editor) as soon as you can.  No, I don't have an agent nor do I wish to have one, but what can I say, I've never been one to take my own advice.

So, why do I put myself through being a self-publishing, agentless author?  Because I love writing.  I enjoy building worlds with my imagination and creating characters and situations to inhabit those worlds.  I love crafting stories and plots that I would never be able to accomplish, but I can imagine it.  I love writing a character whose viewpoint is different than my own.  Putting yourself in someone else's shoes can be a study in empathy.  Having a character say something that you wouldn't or couldn't say can be a freeing and cathartic experience.

I've had people ask if I only make a little bit of money from writing, why don't I just go back to writing fanfic or putting my original fic online for free?  Well, for some reason, if words are free, then the readers feel entitled.  They negatively comment on your work and I don't mean constructive criticism.  They also ask when you're going to write something or post the next chapter, provide unsolicited writing prompts, and other negative interactions.  Just by charging money, even if it's not that much, I've saved myself a lot of headache from reader entitlement.  So, I love writing, but not enough to go back to fanfic or free online original fic.

Now that I've expounded on my love of writing, Buy My Books. 😄

Out of Touch (Touch of Gray - Book One) is available on Amazon Kindle and Google Books.
Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray - Book Two) is available on Amazon Kindle.


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