Upcoming Books (spoilers)

Out of Touch, the first book in the Touch of Gray (TOG) series, establishes the main character Gray Graham.  It touches on the history of the world and why she relocated to another country.  It also delves into Psycepts (those with psychic perception), Gray's touch clairvoyant capabilities, and consulting on police cases.  It also introduces several peripheral characters like the police she works with, her employees at her agency, and some of her friends.  The central conflict is a mysterious border incursion and what it means to her adopted country and the Psycepts that live there.  Amazon Kindle and Google Books
The second book in the series, Invisible Touch, expands Gray's world.  We learn a little more about other Psycepts including Gray's siblings, PsyWitch Wendy, and The Sisters Wyrd and Brother Bone (aka Blood and Bone Sages).  We also dive into the world of Psycepts living in Albuquerque and get an inkling of the difference between conservatorships (the sections that make up the country of The Greater Tribal Council of the Americas).  The main mystery is how Gray and her brother and sister handle kidnapping and murder cases that remain unsolved by the police.  Amazon Kindle or pre-order on Google Books.

Now for a little about upcoming books.

First up is Wild and Wicked Ways, the first of the 'World of Touch of Gray' (WOTOG) books and it falls under the Wendy Weather series. WOTOG takes characters from TOG and gives them their own stories.  The Wendy Weather series has PsyWitch Wendy Randolph as a main character.  The book description, pre-order link, and an excerpt will be provided around November.  This is a shorter book, only around 23,000 words.  Therefore, an informational video or chapter narration will not be provided, though an updated character primer will be.  December is the anticipated month of publication, but you can pre-order now.

Gray's story continues in Touch Too Much, coming Spring 2020.  The events of this book occur roughly six weeks after Invisible Touch and a couple of weeks after Wild and Wicked Ways.  I anticipate February will have the cover reveal.  Book description, pre-order link, and an excerpt will be provided in March.  This book will most likely have an informational video and a chapter 1 narration released shortly after publication.  For a tease, this book revisits the border incursion from Out of Touch.

After this, another WOTOG book is planned, but this time it will be of the Blood Mystic series focusing on Blood Sage characters introduced in Invisible Touch.  In this book, they will travel to another conservatorship to investigate why Psycepts are experiencing strange occurrences.  Look for more information about this book mid next year and it should be available Fall 2020.

Finally, the fourth book in the TOG series is slated for early 2021.  This will be followed by another WOTOG book focusing on a Bone Sage character and will be out in Summer 2021.

There will be a balance between the larger TOG series focused on Gray and the smaller WOTOG stories split between Wendy Weather, Blood Mystic, and Bone Guardian.


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