Website, Podcast, and Happy Holidays (Blog on a Break)!!!

I've been pretty good about periodically updated the pages linked at the top of my website.

On my 'BOOKS' page, I have covers and links to book descriptions, excerpts, and any informational videos or chapter narrations that may be available. Down at the bottom, I also include the reading order of the books. And...I conveniently list the links to purchase my books. 😀

On my 'PODCAST' page, I have links to download my episodes or you can listen via the player on my page.

Speaking of my podcast, the latest episode was just released.  Enjoy!

Finally, I hope everyone has friends or family to spend time with this holiday season.  I am taking a break for the next few weeks.  I'll return in January with some exciting previews.

Please take this opportunity to peruse my backlog of posts as I've been active on this blog for a year.  I am sure there is a post or two you may have missed.  😉

I'll talk to everyone in the New Year. 


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