TOG: Touch Too Much, Chapter 2 Narration

Another tradition is posting a chapter narration of my Touch of Gray series.  I am the narrator and I try to be not-horrible.

For Touch Too Much (TOG - Book Three, available on Amazon Kindle), I've selected the second chapter as it provides the most background in a single chapter.  Part one involves 'world-building exposition' which is always fun to do (😣) and the second part gets into planning for the upcoming Psycept ShindigEnjoy!

Warning, the first part ends with no 'endcap' telling you it's finished.  And the second part has no 'beginning', it goes right into the story'.  Also, the background info displayed is different between the two parts. 

Finally, this will be my last post for a month.  I'll return in mid-June with another 'Writing Corner' post along with other items.  Feel free to check out my Twitter ( @AuthorLeia ) in the meantime.  I'll publish a podcast episode at the end of this month with links here and on Twitter.  And I'll probably tweet my, no doubt, fascinating thoughts regarding Ancient Aliens on Netflix and Orphan Black on Amazon Prime.


Touch of Gray | World of Touch of Gray eBook Bundle 1 is available on Amazon Kindle.  It collects the first three books set in this world:

Out of Touch (Touch of Gray - Book One) on Amazon Kindle and Google Books
Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray - Book Two) available on Amazon Kindle and Google Books
Wild and Wicked Ways (World of Touch of Gray 1) on Amazon Kindle and Google Books


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