TOG: Touch Too Much, informational video

Touch Too Much is the third book in the Touch of Gray series and is available now on Amazon Kindle.

As per tradition, I've created an informational video about Touch Too Much.  It is available on my YouTube channel and embedded below.  It's also ironic that Touch Too Much is the longest book in the series but the shortest video.  As always, spoilers are included in the videos.

In other news, the most recent episode of 'An Indie Author's Life' podcast is now available.  Enjoy!

Previous books in the series are available in an eBook Bundle on Amazon Kindle and individually below.

Out of Touch (Touch of Gray - Book One) on Amazon Kindle or Google Books
Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray - Book Two) on Amazon Kindle or Google Books
Wild and Wicked Ways (World of Touch of Gray 1 | Wendy Weather 1) on Amazon Kindle or Google Books


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