Writing Corner: Beta Readers and Reviews

Beta readers are essential to any author, offering valuable feedback and critique.  Each beta reader I have specializes in different areas.  My longest beta reader focuses on grammar, syntax, and other technical issues.  Two other beta readers look at plot, flow, characters, and dialogue to make sure things make sense.  I have another that looks at cultural sensitivity.  All of these are valuable perspectives and I welcome their input.

When we write, we are constantly moving paragraphs or scenes around and we can focus on the minutiae and loose sight of the big picture.  Plus we are the writers so we know what is in our heads, but often we don't get it across properly.  Or we're just sleep deprived, honestly.

One of the best things I have read about beta readers is just an image of ten questions to ask your beta reader.  I do not know where I first saw this, so if you know let me know so I can give credit.  But I do follow this model when corresponding with beta readers.

Prior to now, I have always emailed my beta readers their own draft (their names are in the file name) for them to make notes and suggestions on.  It can be fun merging all the feedback into one document, but it forces me to dissect my book many times over.  However, I am now trying out this site, just the free trial for now.  It is BetaBooks and I shall provide feedback in a few months after my betas finish their read-through of my second book and see how it works out.

Unfortunately, as a self-published indie author with little money, I cannot hire a professional editor and thus rely a little more than usual on my beta readers.  Realizing this, I try to be as mindful of their time as possible and allow plenty of time for them to read and provide feedback.  Two months is my usual timetable.  Plus, they have either been friends for years or classmates, so I can show them a little appreciation by treating them to food occasionally.

If you are interested in becoming a beta reader for my books, feel free to fill out my Contact Me form.  New beta readers will not be expected to be mini editors, no worry.

Regarding reviews, indie authors love to have reviews and I am no exception.  So if you have read Out of Touch through purchasing it from Amazon, reading it from Kindle Unlimited, or even from the free book promotion, please consider leaving a rating or review on Amazon or GoodReads.  Thank you!


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