Author of the Touch of Gray series. Touch Too Much is now available on Amazon Kindle. Visit the 'Books' page for book covers, descriptions, and links to order all books in the series.
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Wild and Wicked Ways is the first of the "World of Touch of Gray" stories. There will be three types of stories in WOTOG. Wild and Wicked Ways will be the first of the Wendy Weather stories. For Wild and Wicked Ways, the main character is PsyWitch Wendy Randolph, Gray's best friend. Another character is introduced in Wild and Wicked Ways, he is a Weather Guide and will be the co-main character to Wendy. [ Spoilers for Invisible Touch below] *************************************************************************** During Invisible Touch, Wendy traveled to Pennsylvania to help heal children who were attacked by a mysterious entity and whose wounds would not heal with conventional medicine. Wendy was able to help the children, but the entity is still in Pennsylvania and strange things are occurring in and around the woods the children were attacked. *************************************************************************** In Wild and Wicked Ways, Wendy gath...
You've worked on a book for six months. You've edited it multiple times, it has been reviewed by beta readers, editors, etc. You've listed the book, promoted it on your social media platforms, and it is finally launch day. Eagerly you wait to see the response to something you've devoted quite a bit of time to. The book is published and now you are monitoring your sales. You are doing so not for monetary reasons, but you want to see if people are reading your book. You see the sales numbers and page reads and the region breakdown. There are people out there reading your book, you can see the numbers. However, you are not getting any reviews or reader feedback. So, how can you connect with your existing audience and possibly engage potential new readership? I've found that being on social media not solely for promotion is a good way to connect with people. I tweet about upcoming movies and television shows, reply to others' tweets,...
When writing multiple series set in one world, keeping track of details can become difficult, especially if the main characters in one series are secondary characters in another. My process for keeping track of events, timeline, characteristics, and conversations is old school. Basically, I open all of my previous books as pdfs (easy to toggle to and not so easy to accidentally type over). I have a rough idea of which book holds which details, so I can quickly flip to the pdf and search for a word or phrase and reread the passage. I also keep a written world bible filled with characters in each book and their relation to main characters and each other. Did I meet a police officer from such-and-such, can I use them again in later books? What about mentions of friends and family members? Places that characters grew up? Etc. For instance, I have several police characters that my main character in Touch of Gray interacts with in the first book...
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