Writer's Corner

Writer's Corner are my posts about the process of writing, promoting, being an indie author, attending conferences, being in a writers group, editing and beta readers, etc.

At the end of each month, I will link any Writer's Corner posts to this page. You can also search the tags / labels for 'Writing Corner'.


November 2019 post:
How I Write - Going with the Flow

September 2019 post:
Engaging with an Audience

August 2019 post:
For Love of Writing

July 2019 post:
Writing Workshops

June 2019 post:
How I Write - Writing Tools and Other Technology

May 2019 post:
Editing (Self-editing)

March 2019 posts:
How I Write - Keeping Track of Details
eBook Formats and Being an Indie Author

February 2019 posts:
Promotion and Social Media
Beta Readers and Reviews
How I Write - Research

January 2019 post:
How I Write - Outlines and Plots

December 2018 posts:
How the world of Touch of Gray was created and a call for Beta Readers
World Building Wows and Woes
The Tediousness of Character or Location Descriptions


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