Writing Corner: eBook formats and being an Indie Author

Right now I am using Amazon Kindle as my eBook publisher of choice.  However, after the Kindle Select / Unlimited period ends, I will make Out of Touch available on Nook and as an iBook from Apple or through Google Play Books and maybe a couple of others.  It will be interesting to see the complete sales charts after all formats are made available. 

How do you prefer to read your eBooks?  Are any readers a member of Kindle Unlimited?  Do you prefer paper copies or are audiobooks your preferred option?

I know there are countless posts, blogs, and vlogs about the difficulty of being an indie author.  Not only do you have to write the books, you have to edit them, interact with beta readers, edit the books again, file for copyrights (if you choose to), format them for paper and epublishing, work on book covers or engage cover artists, the list seems endless.  Then you also have to shamelessly promote your work in a market that is saturated with similar products.

What do you think are effective ways to engage with potential readers?  How many look at book reviews before taking a chance on an unknown author?  Is Kindle Unlimited participation a deciding factor?

Out of Touch (Touch of Gray, Book One) is available now on Amazon Kindle for $1.29USD or free through Kindle Unlimited.

Feel free to leave a reply on this post, contact me via Twitter (@AuthorLeia), or submit a 'Contact Me' form if you wish more anonymity. 


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