TOG: Invisible Touch (Book 2) coming soon

I would like to thank those that have purchased Out of Touch (Touch of Gray Book 1), read it through Kindle Unlimited, or took advantage of the free promotions offered.  I hope that you enjoyed the novella and look forward to reading further stories set in the Touch of Gray world.

Invisible Touch is the second novella in the Touch of Gray series.  I just received it back from my Beta readers, so will be working on making changes based on their feedback.  I also invariably find other parts of the book I need to edit on my own.  With that said, I hope to have this to the copyright office by the middle of April.  I allow two months for them to get back to me, but usually just publish the eBook if I have not heard back in a reasonable amount of time.  So I expect to epublish Invisible Touch in mid-June.

I have posted a hint about what to expect from Invisible Touch, but wish to provide further details.  Gray's world expands with the visit of her siblings plus the introduction of new characters, specifically the MacGillivrays.  The MacGillivray brother is a Bone Sage and the three sisters are all Blood Sages.  Through Gray's brother and sister plus the sages, more is revealed about other Psycept abilities in this world.

There is also a glimpse of Gray's early life in PsyTown-Albuquerque and her first meeting with then Sheriff Lowell whom she now works with.  Gray's first interaction with Officer Helki, currently the sheriff, is also explored.  We also see Gray's current attempts of interacting more with other members of the Psycept community of PsyTown.  Gray begins to scale back on her Virtual Assistant business and focus on assisting the Psycept police with their workload.

I will post the book description and small tidbits closer to the publication time.  I can say that Wendy, a PsyWitch and Gray's best friend, will have her own story told later in 2019.  Wendy's adventure is set up in Invisible Touch, so more details will come after it's release.

Invisible Touch, coming late Spring 2019 to Amazon Kindle.

Out of Touch, available now on Amazon Kindle.


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