About Me: General Info (5 questions)

I wanted to make a little post based on some questions I have received.

  1. My name is spelled Leia, but it is pronounced LEE-AH.
  2. My icon is a picture of Princess Leia plush toy that I own.  I grew up loving the original Star Wars trilogy because my parents did, so I just embraced it.  As for point 1, they chose to go with the original pronunciation of Leia from A New Hope, not the way it was pronounced in subsequent movies.
  3. I am in graduate school, specifically a Health/Medical based program.  So I will not graduate with a PhD, rather a Doctor degree.  Then after graduation in two years, residency.
  4. I've had the idea for TOG for many years.  It originally started as a X-Men fanfic about Rogue, but I went completely away from that.  There were no other X-Men in my story though I gave her a family; her powers were nothing like her X-Men powers; mutants are not a thing; and I didn't want her to seek refuge with the Morlocks nor on Genosha with Magneto, I sent her out West.  The only thing my fanfic Rogue had in common with X-Men Rogue was the touching thing, but for entirely different reasons.  So, I bowed to the inevitable, renamed her Gray, and created a whole different world.
  5. The world I created actually used a different series I wrote as the basis.  I had abandoned the other series as I didn't like the characters or stories I was telling, though I liked the world history I developed.  So, I scrapped (most of) the other characters and adapted that world to fit Gray and the stories I wanted to tell.
Thanks for the questions, I hope I answered them to your satisfaction.  Feel free to contact me by replying to this post, submitting a Contact Me form, or reaching out to me on Twitter.


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