TOG: Invisibile Touch available now

Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray Book 2) is available now on Amazon Kindle.

It has been six weeks since touch clairvoyant Gray Graham consulted with the Greater Tribal Council of the Americas military and police about a border incursion. All has remained quiet, though as suggested, she has become more active in the Psycept community of Albuquerque, her home of fifteen years.

Now, Gray's brother and sister are coming to visit and she is taking a small break from consulting on Psycept police cases to spend time with them. Gray enjoys her siblings company but there is another side to their visit. Gray keeps tabs on prior cases, especially unsolved murders, in anticipation of their infrequent reunions. For though some murderers may have escaped the long arm of the law, together, the Graham siblings have an extensive reach and justice is calling.

This book was a joy to right. I wrote the first draft immediately after Out of Touch (Touch of Gray Book 1) so was able to keep up my writing momentum. As the second book in the series, I did not feel the need to provide the full exposition of Gray's abilities that I did in the first book, nor the intricate details of her consultative police work or her virtual assistance. The descriptions are there, just not as frequent or as detailed.

In addition, I was able to expand the characters of the world of Touch of Gray. Wendy has more scenes, Gray's interaction with other Psycepts is more frequent, Gray's siblings visit, and we introduce people in other categories of Psycepts. Here is a short excerpt from Invisible Touch.

Over the summer, I'll have more posts about Invisible Touch, including an updated character list.  I'll create another video focused where we begin with Invisible Touch and a little of her journey in the book.  Finally, the chapter one narration of Out of Touch was popular, so I'll do another for Invisible Touch (though in three parts, not six). I've upgraded my recording equipment so doing everything in one take is no longer needed, thank goodness.

Towards the end of the summer, I'll begin promoting Those Wild and Wicked Ways, the first story set in the World of Touch of Gray.  The focus is PsyWitch Wendy going off on an adventure that is set up in Invisible Touch.  Those Wild and Wicked Ways will be available in late Fall 2019.


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