TOG: Invisible Touch (Book 2) excerpt

First up, Out of Touch (Touch of Gray - Book 1) is now available on Google Books in addition to Amazon Kindle

On June 17th, Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray - Book 2) will go on sale.  It is available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle.  For now, please enjoy this excerpt from Invisible Touch.

A PsyChometrist reads memories stored in an object. Any noises, conversations, or visual stimuli captured by the object and can be accessed by PsyChometrists. I read memories by touching an object, but I cannot read the memories of the object. Instead, a keepsake links me to an individual’s memories, or what I refer to as their memory lake. The memory lake has a memory thread of varying thickness and weight that I can grasp ahold of which corresponds to a certain point in time, then read forward in a linear fashion. The more sentimental the object I read, the more substantial the memories. The object I touch is a link to the person’s memory lake. It also serves as a buffer against the protective defenses of a person’s mind. I am not limited to the memories associated with the object like PsyChometrists are, but I require an emotional connection between the person and object I am reading. That connection allows me access to the person’s memory lake.
As expected, the mother’s memories were strongly associated with the sweater and I feel little from Cathleen. I put it aside and move on the next item. The diary links me to many memories of Cathleen sneaking away to be with her boyfriend and worrying about graduating from high school at the end of the year, but nothing too sinister. At last, her locket reveals her memories of the killer. I video record all my consultations. The camera is pointed down at my hands touching the objects and my face is always out of frame. There are a few mics placed around my consultation area to capture me speaking my impressions of the readings.
“I just finished studying at the library, but it’s already dark outside as I walk to my parked car. Winter nights come early. Patty, my study buddy, was picked up by her boyfriend fifteen minutes ago. When I parked, the lot was full, so my car is at the edge of the lot, by the trees. I am leaning down to put my books in the passenger seat when I’m grabbed. I start to scream and kick backwards and his grip slips. I manage to twist around before he regains control. He seems like a big man, or it can just be that since I am now prone he looms large. His hands are squeezing the life out of me. I try to scratch his hands, but he’s wearing gloves. His face is a shadow above me, but his eyes look crazed. He is a scarf and hat and I cannot provide a description, even when I batter his face. Sparks in my eyes, I can hear the blood pumping in my ears, I just need to breathe.
“Psycept here, the following description is provided through observation after Cathleen’s death. The concealing accoutrements were not removed until after he moved Cathleen’s body to the field behind the library. The person does not match anyone that I am aware of from Cathleen’s prior memories.
      “The top of Cathleen’s Chevy Bel Air comes to about three inches below the shoulder joint, if that helps to estimate height. Male, white, light brown or dirty blond hair. Pale eyes, light grey or light blue, I cannot quite distinguish. Thin diagonal scar on left check, couple of inches in length. Starts at the cheekbone, the upper edge of scar is in line with outer corner of eye and slants downward to end closer to his ear. No other visible marks, scars, or tattoos. After leaving Cathleen’s body, he walks two blocks east-southeast along a road named Whitehill. He gets into a medium green car, I don’t know make. The emblem is a circle surrounding the North and South American continents. The license plate, I can only see the last three digits -572 over the word -MONT 54. I can’t see where he goes, I’m sorry. Hope this helps.”


From Invisible Touch, coming soon to Amazon Kindle.


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