TOG: Primer (Conservatorship maps)

For the World of Touch of Gray, I previously posted about the countries as well as provided the Geography description from the appendix of Touch of Gray.

Now I'll expand on that by giving more of an idea of the conservatorship locations that make up The Greater Tribal Council of the Americas (GT).  Plus the details of Southwestern Alliance Conservatorship regions as Gray lives on SWACon.

Here is a not-at-all-to-scale drawing of where the 11 conservatorships of the GT are in relation to one another. So, if written word contradicts this map (I say a city is in US and this map looks like the city would actually fall within GT borders), please consider my written word as correct. My map skills are atrocious, but the below gives you an approximate idea of where the conservatorships are.

US = United States (only on the east and includes what we know as Quebec, Ontario, etc)
CAN = Canada (west coast and includes Baja Peninsula and Hawaiian islands)
MX = Mexico (encompasses more of Central American and many Caribbean islands)

SWA = SWACon, where Gray lives
CoCon = Cochise; borders MX, CAN, and US, includes El Paso
LE = Llano Estacado
GB = Great Basin
SoPl = Southern Plains
CenPl = Central Plains
NoPlains = Northern Plains
PL = Plateau
SubArc E = Sub Arctic East
SubArc W = Sub Arctic West
Arc = Arctic (includes Greenland)

Now we focus on SWACon and the nearby conservatorships.  Again, not-to-scale.

MV = Mesa Verde
*ABQ = Albuquerque in Bosque 
Chaco = Chaco
Hoho = Hohokam
Neighboring conservatorships:
LE = Llano Estacado
GB = Great Basin
CoCon = Cochise; borders MX, CAN, and US, includes El Paso

Out of Touch (Touch of Gray - Book One) is available on Amazon Kindle and Google Books.
Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray - Book Two) is available on Amazon Kindle.


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