An Indie Author's Life - Podcast

I've been publishing a podcast for four months, An Indie Author's Life.  I release about two episodes a month and most are less than 12 minutes in length.  There are a variety of topics, including expanded thoughts of self-publishing, self-editing, promotion, fellow Indie Author book reviews, and other topics I wish to explore.

The podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on iTunes.  If you enjoy the podcast, feel free to like or subscribe.  Below is the two most recent podcast episodes.  Enjoy!

Episode 08 - Length and Pricing of Books

Episode 09 - Pushy Promotion

I also have a Podcast page on the website where all the episode links are available.  If there is a topic you wish me to discuss or if you would like to comment on prior episodes, then please contact me.  You can reply to this post, submit a Contact Me form, or reach me on Twitter.


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