
Showing posts from January, 2020

WOTOG: Wild and Wicked Ways (WW 1), informational video

Wild and Wicked Ways is available on Amazon Kindle .  And now there is an informational video at my YouTube channel to go along with it.  Feel free to check it out. ************************************************************************* Out of Touch (Touch of Gray - Book One) available on Amazon Kindle and Google Books   OOT YouTube informational video Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray - Book Two) available on Amazon Kindle and Google Books  IT YouTube informational video

Writing Corner: How I Write - Follow Through

My books occur in one world.  My main series follows one character while I also have short stories about other characters interspersed throughout the main series.  Keeping track of the details between books can be daunting.  I've written a previous post about tracking details within a book.  Now I want to focus on following through from previous books. A big part of writing a series is planting seeds in your current work that will not come to fruition until later books.  I do not want to drop the ball in setting something up or forgetting to carry it out.  Here are techniques I use to follow through with plot points, character teases, dropping hints about future antagonists, etc. Write ahead Before I published the first book in the series, I had already written the second book, plus I plotted the third book, and I made plans for a short story with another character.   By writing ahead, I know if I need to go to a prior (unpublished) work ...

TOG: Primer (13-Month Calendar plus Info Videos)

Touch of Gray takes place in a country that uses a 13-month calendar.  To give you an idea of what the months look like, below is a generic (not year specific) look at said calendar. I don't have a date converter to show you (because I'm not that talented). You can picture me with a paper calendar and the book calendars I created and counting the weeks and days (week 16-Tues, week 24-Fri, etc.) in order to compare dates. Cause, I'm old school... *************************************************************************** I have re-recorded the informational video for Out of Touch (Touch of Gray - Book One) and uploaded it to YouTube .  Invisible Touch (Touch of Gray - Book Two) will have it's informational video re-recorded and uploaded to YouTube within a week.  A new informational video for Wild and Wicked Ways (World of Touch of Gray 01) will be created and uploaded to YouTube at the end of January.  Enjoy! Out of Touch available on Amazon Kindle and Go...