New book arriving Fall 2021
Hello, all. I apologize for the extended hiatus from the website and social media. As you all may be aware, I am in healthcare and the past 18 months have been challenging, to say the least. My first year of residency began in July and I moved to a state 2,000 miles away from where I am from. It has taken a bit for me to get my bearings, but I am settling in. In book news, I have completed writing Blood Song and it is off to the betas. My plan is to publish it in November 2021. The cover reveal, book description, and pre-order link will be posted in mid-September followed by an excerpt sometime in October. I am excited to share this story set in the World of Touch of Gray with you and hope you enjoy it. As it has been over a year since I have published anything, you may need a reminder about the Touch of Gray series and the World of Touch of Gray. Feel free to peruse this post . I will be a little more active on Twitter over the nex...